With English translation
Adsense広告が表示されない問題|Adsense ads aren't showing up
As I wrote in the previous article, I received the news of the resurrection from Adsense. I was happy to introduce the ad code to my blog, but I haven't seen Adsense ads on my web or mobile pages. What's more, ads from ad distributors that I don't know are displayed on both the Web and mobile.続きを読む
As I wrote in the previous article, I received the news of the resurrection from Adsense. I was happy to introduce the ad code to my blog, but I haven't seen Adsense ads on my web or mobile pages. What's more, ads from ad distributors that I don't know are displayed on both the Web and mobile.続きを読む
10 年ぶりに許されたAdsense配信| Adsense delivery allowed for the first time in 10 years
This blog seems to have been allowed by Google teacher for the first time in 10 years. Adsense is now available for the first time in 10 years. I'm really happy, but the 10-year blank is too big.
This blog seems to have been allowed by Google teacher for the first time in 10 years. Adsense is now available for the first time in 10 years. I'm really happy, but the 10-year blank is too big.
ブログで英文部分のワードラップを有効にするには、どうすればいい?|How do I enable English word wrap on my blog?
J: 英文では、単語が途中で分断されることのない改行処理、すなわちワードラップを施すのが普通ですが、Livedoorブログでワードラップを有効にするには、どうしたらいいのでしょうか? スタイルシートを編集する必要があるなら、頑張って取り組みます。どなたか詳しい方がおられたら、ご指導願います。
E: In English, it's normal to use line wrapping, which means that words aren't split in the middle, but how do you enable word wrapping on your Livedoor blog? If I have to edit the style sheet, I will do my best. If anyone is familiar with it, please give me guidance.
E: In English, it's normal to use line wrapping, which means that words aren't split in the middle, but how do you enable word wrapping on your Livedoor blog? If I have to edit the style sheet, I will do my best. If anyone is familiar with it, please give me guidance.
コロナ禍以降、地震による人的被害が起きていない?|Hasn't there been any human damage caused by the earthquake since the Corona disaster?
J: 地震に関して気になっていることがあるので、Facebook上のグループに次のような質問を上げてみた。
E: I've been worried about the earthquake, so I asked a group on Facebook the following questions.
E: I've been worried about the earthquake, so I asked a group on Facebook the following questions.
いつも詳しく調べたいと思いつつ、別の用件で忘れてしまうのですが、コロナ禍が始まって以来、人的被害のある地震って起きていないと思いませんか? コロナ禍の陰でインフルエンザが事実上絶滅したことは知られていますが…。
I always want to investigate in detail, but I forget about it for another matter, but do you think that there have been no damaging earthquakes since the beginning of the corona wreck? It is known that the flu has become virtually extinct behind the corona wreck ... blockquote>