クラウドソーシング「ランサーズ」 なんでも評点:AI翻訳サービスで和訳がしょぼいのはなぜか?|Why is Japanese translation poor with AI translation services?


AI翻訳サービスで和訳がしょぼいのはなぜか?|Why is Japanese translation poor with AI translation services?

As mentioned in the previous article, it turns out that the English-Japanese translation of Google Translate isn't very useful. AI means that the system is based on human past work. In the case of a translation system, it should be based on the bilingual data of the original and translated texts translated by humans in the past, that is, the "translation memory".

まだ公式な情報に到達できていないのだが、その翻訳メモリはどこから得られたのか? Google自身がGoogle Translation Toolkitというツールを翻訳者向けに提供していた時期があり、このツールを通じて収集された翻訳メモリが活用されている可能性はある。しかし、翻訳者の私が知る限り、日本でGoogle Translation Toolkitはメインストリームになっていなかった。日本で今日までメインストリームの座を占めているのは、Trados翻訳支援ツールであったはずだ。
I haven't reached the official information yet, but where did the translation memory come from? There was a time when Google itself provided a tool called Google Translation Toolkit for translators, and there is a possibility that the translation memory collected through this tool is being utilized. However, as far as I know as a translator, the Google Translation Toolkit has not been mainstream in Japan. Trados CAT tools must have been the mainstream in Japan to this day.

There is no doubt that a huge amount of translation memory is output as big data from Trados. I'm not sure at this point if Google has access to the Trados translation memory.

Tradosは、ソフトウェア会社などの外資系企業からの膨大な発注に支えられてきた英日翻訳の翻訳メモリを天文学的な量まで生み出してきている。ここで、産業翻訳関係者が見て見ぬふりをしているゆゆしき事実がある。90年代のMicrosoft Windowsバブルが生み出した莫大な和訳需要の裏で、産業翻訳に駆り立てられた「英語が得意な人材」の多くが日本語作成能力に長けてるとは言い難く、日本語訳の品質低下を招いてきた。
Trados has produced astronomical amounts of English-Japanese translation memories that have been supported by huge orders from foreign companies such as software companies. Here, there is a grave fact that industrial translators are pretending not to see. Behind the huge demand for Japanese translation created by the Microsoft Windows bubble in the 90's, it is hard to say that many of the "human resources who are good at English" who were driven by industrial translation are good at writing Japanese, and the quality of Japanese translation. It has caused a decline.

Since the latter half of the 90's, I have been active in helping to raise the level of translators, and I worked also as a lecturer of online translation courses sponsored by the industry-famous translation education institution "Fellow Academy". I was also focusing on activities aimed at launching an industry group, but as more and more people lost their jobs (like me now) around the time the Windows bubble burst, the story of establishing a new industry group was broken down in the air. At that time, I lost contact with my peers. Until then, I had been making efforts to promote friendship by holding regular drinking parties every month.

Anyway, I have to say that the quality of the translation memory of the English-Japanese translation that is sleeping in this world is quite low. Isn't it natural that the AI ​​translation system based on the low-quality data can only output low-quality translations?

On the other hand, the quality of Japanese-English translation by AI translation seems to be completely different from that of 10 years ago. Most of the translation demand in Japan was English-Japanese translation, so it seems that the industrial translation industry is not aware of it yet, but AI-based Japanese-English translation does not require much post-editing to make minor corrections to the translated text. There is a difference in cloud mud compared to the case of Japanese translation.

Of course, if the subject or object is omitted from the original Japanese text, the accuracy of AI-Japanese-English translation will drop. Also, sometimes incredible misinterpretation of the original Japanese text and misuse of articles are mixed in. The inheritance of pronouns can also be inaccurate, and double negative entanglements often lead to mistranslations. However, when a translator who has experience in Japanese-English translation by human power uses the AI-Japanese-English translation service, it is possible to produce a fairly high-quality translation in an overwhelmingly short time. Recently, I've been repeating experiments to translate blog articles into Japanese and English using AI translation services, and my current estimate is that I can work at least 10 times faster than before.

In the near future, AI translation will advance to a level that does not require any human translator intervention. But in the meantime, the combination of experienced professional translators and AI translation services should be the strongest tag.


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miccckey at 16:02│
はてなブックマーク - AI翻訳サービスで和訳がしょぼいのはなぜか?|Why is Japanese translation poor with AI translation services?
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